1st Joint-developed product “Fujita Mat 1.5”
Hiroyuki Fujita x Tabata[藤田寛之プロ × Tabata]

Our first joint-development project with golfing pro Hiroyuki Fujita. What we created was the “Fujita Mat 1.5”. As of right now it’s been one of our popular items for quite some time. It allows you to gain confidence in 1.5m putting remarkably fast.

Our advisory contract with pro golfer Hiroyuki Fujita

We formed a contract with pro golfer Hiroyuki Fujita in October of 2004 where we agreed he would use our lift tee, from there we were just supporting him with our products. However, We put our skills and minds together to try and think about ways to help more golfers thus forming a product development advisory contract. The first thing that we released was the “Fujita Mat 1.5”.

The thoughts that Hiroyuki Fujita had for the product were…

“You must find your problem and then find a training tool that allows you to fix that problem”

Hiroyuki Fujita’s comment – When I practice, I’m always using bamboo brooms, 50-inch long clubs, or short iron clubs. When using these tools I’m always thinking about what kind of ball I want to hit and in what way I want to move my body. I choose my tools and manage my movements based on those thoughts. That is how I use tools when training.

「”You’ll definitely sink the 1.5m put” If you believe this, then your golf will become stronger.

Q: Hiroyuki Fujita, you’re well known for your approach and putting, but what’s the secret to score making?

Hiroyuki Fujita: I believe there are a lot of people who think things such as “my driver won’t hit, I can’t hit the ball into the fairway which means I can’t increase my score.” However, in actual matches, whilst this may be quite an extreme example, comparing a tee sot where it always lands on the holes fairway with when it lands in the rough, the reality is that hitting it into the fairway doesn’t always equal an increase in score.

I believe that if you can use your driver to hit a ball in both the fairway and the rough, then you should be fine. What is most important to me would be that the 1.5 meter put definitely makes an appearance. Half of the diameter is 1.5 meters, so there is a 3 meter circle from the hole. If you can do that with a single bat, then no doubt your score should increase.

When that happens it becomes easier to approach that 3 meter circle without worry. Thanks to that approach becoming easier it means it doesn’t matter if you go off the green in your second. If your second becomes easy then you can tee shot from absolutely anywhere. If you change your way of seeing the distance to the hole, your golf will also change.

For amateurs, “You do this here” is how they think and I believe this will only lead to a worse score and performance. The key to gaining score is the belief of “I will definitely sink this 1.5 meter put”

What training can we do with the putter mat?

Q: What kind of training should amateurs be doing?

Hiroyuki Fujita: For an amateur, aiming for a small hole repeatedly should increase their stroke accuracy quite a lot. This is namely hitting the ball as straight as possible.

The thing you can use to do that training thoroughly has to be the “Fujita Mat 1.5”. Using this mat more and more should increase and create confidence in the user.
When training, try imagining a line from your hand and whilst swinging create an image of the ball entering the hole in your mind.

Once you enter the address, just as you imagined, hit the ball along that line and into the hole.
What’s important is to keep doing this over and over. To remember what you need to do to perform the stroke that you are imagining within your mind. It is, in a way, to create your own style of hitting the ball.


You can visit the product page here→Fujita Mat 1.5 Product information Page